Much of my recent work combines clay forms and wood. We often walk around in nature, oblivious to the beauty all around us. If we limit our distractions, we are able to see how beautiful the natural environment can be. The messages in my art are a reflection of my love of nature and are hopefully thought-provoking and inspiring.
At Belle Terre Gallery, Anything is Possible.
You will see that flying armadillos are a recurring theme in my work, an expression of my belief that anything is possible, even flying armadillos.
Every cancer patient wonders, "will I make it" and "how long do I have to fulfill a life – plan." For me, just knowing the events that seem impossible yet can possibly happen gives me lots of positive energy. Some call them miracles. Some call them the Life Plan of God. the butterfly landed on the back of an armadillo and the chunky land mammal gazed across an overlook towards a meadow. The butterfly said, "I used to be a fat, plump little worm. But here I am, a winged creature with the ability to do more with my beauty than I could have ever imagined. Never sell yourself short, sweet armadillo. Believe in the possibility of the impossible."
Every cancer patient wonders, "will I make it" and "how long do I have to fulfill a life – plan." For me, just knowing the events that seem impossible yet can possibly happen gives me lots of positive energy. Some call them miracles. Some call them the Life Plan of God. the butterfly landed on the back of an armadillo and the chunky land mammal gazed across an overlook towards a meadow. The butterfly said, "I used to be a fat, plump little worm. But here I am, a winged creature with the ability to do more with my beauty than I could have ever imagined. Never sell yourself short, sweet armadillo. Believe in the possibility of the impossible."

The armadillo listened and took the words to heart. She smiled as she imagined her infinite abilities. It takes optimism and courage and prayers to make transformations of any kind.
... the Epic continues...
On this pottery, armadillos have decided to "take the challenge." This would be: believe that they can transform; change, become better. So, butterflies are inspiring creatures and we become better because of their example.
... the Epic continues...
On this pottery, armadillos have decided to "take the challenge." This would be: believe that they can transform; change, become better. So, butterflies are inspiring creatures and we become better because of their example.